Return Completed 2024 Federal Impact Aid Program Survey Forms To Your Child's School

November 21, 2024

Earlier this fall, families received an Impact Aid Program Survey that will be used by Prince George County Public Schools to establish eligibility for Federal Impact Aid educational funds. These funds are used to provide educational services to the children of Prince George, and completed surveys play an essential role in this funding. 

Many families have already returned the survey, and we appreciate you taking time from your busy schedules to complete the survey and return it to your child's school.

If you have not had the opportunity to do so, please take a few minutes to complete it.  We ask all parents to complete the survey for each child in their household who attends Prince George County schools to account for all eligible children, even if you are not employed on federal property or have military-dependent children.

Once completed, please return the survey to your child's school as soon as you can. If you don't have the card sent home in October, please get in touch with your child's school to be provided another one to complete and return. 

As a reminder, if any changes need to be made to the card, the parent/guardian will need to make those changes. Your child's school is not allowed to make changes to the Impact Aid Program Survey's information on your behalf. If changes are made to the survey, please ensure you write your initials next to the changes.

Again, if you have already completed and returned the survey to your child's school, no further action is needed, and we appreciate your support of our schools and educational services.