December 19, 2024
Good afternoon, Prince George Families,
As we transition into winter break, I invite you to take a few minutes during our time off to review our student cell phone use policy that will go into effect once students return on Monday, January 6, 2025.
- CLICK TO VIEW: JFCM Policy - Personal Communications Devices
- CLICK TO VIEW: Student Cell Phone & Device Use Frequently Asked Questions
As we shared in November, the Prince George County School Board adopted our personal communications device policy, which was created in line with the Virginia Department of Education's (VDOE) final guidance regarding student cell phone use in school settings following Governor Glenn Youngkin's Executive Order 33. This policy states students are prohibited from using personal communication devices, including cell phones, during instructional time or in instructional settings, which comprises places such as a classroom, auditorium, gymnasium, and any location where a school staff member is providing instruction or related activities.
- Elementary school students are prohibited from using personal technology during the day.
- Middle and high school students must keep their devices silent and not visible and store them in their backpacks or another phone storage location away from students during the school day, from the first bell of the day to the last bell of the day, including during lunch and transition time between classes. These students may be able to use their devices before or after the school day concludes as permitted by the school's administrators.
Pathways are available for families of students who may need personal technology as part of their child's documented Section 504 plans, Individualized Education Plans (IEP), and individualized healthcare plans, and our schools will continue to share information directly with families via our communications channels, including telephone calls, emails, and our digital platforms. Finally, students will not be disciplined for calling for assistance in an emergency using their phones.
Since the approval of this policy, our secondary campuses (Grades 6-12) have adjusted their cell phone use policies to more closely align with the new policy ahead of its implementation in January. This gradual transition leading into winter break allowed students to understand the expectations regarding cell phones once they return next month. It was important because we know this is a change for our students, mainly not being able to use their devices during lunch and transition times. As they return in January, we will continue to support our students through this change through signage and reminders of expectations.
We thank our board members for supporting us in creating in line with VDOE guidance that supports our students by reducing distractions during the school day and fostering engaging learning environments.
I wish our entire community a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and I look forward to welcoming you back in 2025.
Dr. Wayne Lyle
Prince George County Public Schools